Friday, June 20, 2008

Baby Name Poll #2

Since we have yet to come up with a name for our newest little boy due in October, Kelly has created another poll with more choices. You can go vote on it by clicking on this link:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Only in Montana....

Every time I see this sign I can't help but laugh and take a is at a rest stop outside of Missoula...TELL YOUR DOG TO HOLD IT :-)

A few pics....

The past week I've done a bit of traveling...a trip to Helena on Thursday and a trip to Washington this weekend to pick up Brittney. Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Holter Lake

Inside of Cataldo Mission in Idaho...the oldest standing building in Idaho

The outside of Cataldo Misson

Multnomah Falls in Oregon, the second tallest waterfall in the USA

Christopher and Brittney at Multnomah Falls